Joe Biden Holds National Town Hall with Construction Workers Six Days Prior to Election


Washington, DC – Joe Biden Holds National Town Hall with Construction Workers Six Days Prior to Election

The International Union of Painters and Allied Trades hosted a member-led national Zoom town hall with Presidential Candidate Joe Biden on Wednesday, October 28th, marking a stark comparison to President Trump who met with a non-union construction lobbying association on the same day.

“While Vice President Biden took time today to meet with our union and laid out how we could work together to take on the issues that matter most to us, Trump was standing side by side in Nevada with the Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC). The ABC are notorious for using their power to undo and defeat all the rights and gains that workers have won in this country. The difference couldn’t be more clear,” said IUPAT General President, Ken Rigmaiden.

IUPAT’s lead organizer Ildefonso Magana was most moved by the Vice President’s support of the PRO Act, stating, “VP Biden’s support of the PRO Act has great appeal within our union and could level the playing field for workers currently trying to organize in very difficult circumstances. The deck has been stacked against us for decades and it’s time workers get a fair shot to stand up for themselves in this country.”

“We appreciate Vice President Biden meeting with us today and hope we can work together to implement the policies that matter most to us like the PRO Act and Moving Forward Act. While Trump has failed to deliver on policies like robust federal infrastructure spending which had strong appeal to many of our members, a Biden administration must deliver after the election so millions of Americans can get to work at good-paying jobs with strong benefits as we rebuild and repair our nation. Our union has worked tirelessly to get out the vote and we’re looking forward to working just as hard with a Biden administration that puts workers’ interests first and passes the PRO Act,” IUPAT General Vice President at Large Jimmy Williams said.

This event, organized by the IUPAT, is a part of a broader educational effort to mobilize the labor movement and unorganized working class into action. Workers in this country are ready to take power into their own hands and demand that legislators recommit to building a government and economy that works for their benefit rather than just the Trump’s of the world. This event also marks the beginning of the IUPAT’s post-election push for the PRO Act and Moving Forward Act.


Represents a growing community of over 110,000 active and retired craftspeople in the United States and Canada. The IUPAT membership extends far beyond the workplace. Recognized as one of the most active unions in the labor movement, IUPAT members help shape their communities in many ways: through an abiding commitment to service, by fighting passionately for workers’ rights that benefit all working families, and through effective worker education and mobilization. Visit to learn more.

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