Contact: Ryan Kekeris, 410-564-5884, rkekeris@iupat.org
International Union of Painters and Allied Trades adopts strong COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate policy for IU staff, national collective bargaining agreements, and affiliated local unions
IUPAT takes strong vaccine stance to ensure the health and safety of our membership and the public at large
HANOVER, MD – On Wednesday morning, the International Union of Painters and Allied Trades (IUPAT) sent notice that due to the increased public health concerns raised by the Delta variant of the COVID-19 virus, the IUPAT must take a strong stance to ensure the health and safety of its membership and the public at-large. As of October 15, 2021, the IUPAT – in its capacity as an both as employer and as owner of its headquarters complex – will be requiring proof of vaccination for all office and field employees, as well as all visitors to its headquarters complex.
In addition, IUPAT has informed all employers with national collective bargaining agreements that the agreements permit the employer to impose a requirement of vaccination or regular COVID-19 testing, provided the requirements are fairly designed and implemented.
“Health and safety is not something that can be left up to an individual worker, manager, or employer. As construction workers, we know health and safety is something we all have to take extremely seriously. One misstep can endanger an entire jobsite. We feel the same way about COVID-19. The way this pandemic is unfolding makes it increasingly likely that you’re going to need a vaccine to work in or around many industries. We don’t want any of our members shut out of potential work because they haven’t been vaccinated.” incoming General President Jim Williams Jr. stated. “That’s why, as one of my first actions after being elected the incoming IUPAT General President, I asked my General Executive Board to adopt this policy at the International and provide guidance to every level of our union on how to best protect ourselves and our communities. The labor movement can and should lead by example. I am proud our General Executive Board is doing so.”
The IUPAT also issued guidance to its affiliated District Councils that, although they have the right to bargain over employer-imposed vaccination mandates, they should choose a course of action that best protects our members’ health and work opportunities. The General Executive Board is seeking to lead by example.
Represents a growing community of over 140,000 active and retired craftspeople in the United States and Canada. The IUPAT membership extends far beyond the workplace. Recognized as one of the most active unions in the labor movement, IUPAT members help shape their communities in many ways: through an abiding commitment to service, by fighting passionately for workers’ rights that benefit all working families, and through effective worker education and mobilization.
Visit www.iupat.org to learn more.